
Move out cleaning checklist | Ultimate & professional

move out cleaning checklist

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Moving to a new home can be an exciting and stressful process. Between packing, cluttering, and lifting heavy boxes, you may forget to clean the house before handing over the keys. But you should know that leaving a clean and tidy space for the new residents who are about to move in is essential. Because of the importance of this topic, we decided to share on this blog an expert-approved move out cleaning checklist for people who are about to leave their homes. As a result, if you are one of the people who want to leave your house or apartment, the move out cleaning checklist will help you to control and clean all parts of your old house so that your old house looks as new as the first day.

Read more: Residential cleaning calgary

move out cleaning

Why should you clean before moving out from a rental home?

The process of recovering your deposit depends on the condition of the house. Landlords expect you to leave the house in a clean condition. One of the landlord’s duties is to repair and clean the house before the arrival of a new tenant. In some cities, the landlord may be able to use the security deposit to cover repairs and other costs, such as cleaning. But if you do the cleaning yourself before you leave, there is no reason to deduct it from your security deposit, and you can get your deposit back in full from the landlord.

Read more: move in cleaning checklist

Why you should hire a cleaning service:

Why you should hire a cleaning service:

  1. Doing work by another person

This should be the best reason to hire a professional moving house cleaning service. With this, someone else will do all the washing and cleaning for you. In fact, by hiring a cleaning service, you don’t have to have the trouble of doing things, and you save yourself from that situation.

  1. Get your security deposit.

You can get your security deposit back by hiring a professional cleaning service. The professionals who are in this field have a lot of experience. They are trained to clean the house and do not tire when moving out. Suppose the people who want to clean the house know exactly what the landlords want. In that case, they can quickly clean all the necessary parts, even the areas that are difficult to access, so you can get it back from the landlord without spending the security deposit.

  1. Make the landlord happy

Landlords are usually happy when they find out you have hired a professional cleaning service to take care of their property. In addition to being insured, cleaning companies can inspect the home in detail to prepare it for the next tenant. As a result, their houses are rented faster.

Some landlords may have their own move out cleaning checklist for house cleaning that is very tedious. But a professional cleaning service can clean the house with the help of a comprehensive and appropriate move out cleaning checklist.

  1. Appropriate equipment and tools

One of the most promising tasks in the cleaning process before moving is to find suitable tools and products for this task. Parts such as the bathtub or gas stove are parts that are a bit annoying in this process. But the cleaning team knows exactly what to use for cleaning. They can easily identify the type of grease, oil, soap scum, and other items and decide what materials to use. This saves time, energy, and money.

  1. Focusing on the new home

By hiring a cleaning service for your old house, you can only think about how to arrange your new house. We know very well that arranging a new space the way you like is a very exciting process. You can leave the thought of your old house behind and enjoy your new home.

When should you do the move out cleaning?

Our advice is to clean all the household items after removal. This will ensure you can clean all parts of the house and make the cleaning process easier. With this, you no longer need to worry about sweeping the carpet and other household items. You should keep in mind that the process of packing and placing will lead to dirtying the house. Cleaning floors and surfaces after moving out is a smart way to clean your house after moving. Plan this at least two days before your move in, so you have plenty of time to clean the house before the new residents arrive.

Create a Move-out Cleaning Calgary Timeline

Strategically schedule cleaning tasks in coordination with your move out date:

  • Allocate at least 2-3 days for move-out cleaning Calgary to complete it comfortably without rushing. Factor in additional time for any deep cleaning like carpet shampooing.
  • Prioritize cleaning high traffic areas first like kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms. Finish with lower use areas like storage rooms, garages.
  • Sequence cleaning from top to bottom – ceiling to floor – so falling dust doesn’t dirty already cleaned lower areas.
  • Factor in full drying times when scheduling floors and carpets to be walkable before turning in keys. Include buffer days.
  • Discontinue cleaning products a couple days prior to move out so chemical smells dissipate. Open windows to air out the home.

Careful scheduling prevents last minute stresses and ensures every area shines.

When should you do the move out cleaning?

What’s on the move out cleaning checklist?

The important thing in the house cleaning process before moving is to know exactly what needs to be cleaned; it doesn’t matter if you do it yourself or hire a professional cleaning company. The move out cleaning checklist that we have provided for you in this section can be a good starting point for this work:

What’s on the move out cleaning checklist?

Bedroom cleaning checklist

  • Dusting all surfaces
  • Cleaning the exterior and interior of closets
  • Cleaning the marks on the walls
  • Cleaning mirrors
  • Cleaning of internal niches and paths around windows
  • Baseboards dusted and/or wiped
  • Cleaning door handles and frames
  • Clearing the light switches
  • Waste disposal
  • Vacuuming and cleaning surfaces
  • Vacuuming carpets and rugs

Bathroom cleaning checklist

  • Cleaning and disinfection of bathtub, walls, shower, and glass doors
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the sink
  • Toilet cleaning and disinfection
  • Cleaning the mirrors
  • Cleaning the interior and exterior of the cabinet
  • Dusting and cleaning tables and shelves
  • Dusting all surfaces
  • Cleaning window sills and paths around the window
  • Cleaning door handles and frames
  • Clearing the light switches
  • Waste disposal
  • Cleaning the marks on the walls
  • Washing and vacuuming the floor

Kitchen cleaning checklist

  • Cleaning the interior and exterior of appliances such as gas stoves, hoods, refrigerators, etc.
  • Cleaning small appliances such as toasters, coffee makers, etc.
  • Washing the sink
  • Washing dishes
  • Dusting all surfaces
  • Cleaning the windowsills and paths around the window
  • Cleaning door handles and frames
  • Cleaning the light switches
  • Cleaning the marks on the walls
  • Waste disposal
  • Washing and vacuuming the floor

Leaving area cleaning checklist

  • Dusting all surfaces
  • Cleaning mirrors
  • Cleaning the windowsills and paths around the window
  • Cleaning door handles and frames
  • Cleaning the light switches
  • Cleaning the marks on the walls
  • Vacuuming and washing surfaces
  • Waste disposal
  • Vacuuming carpets and rugs
  • Cleaning the inside and outside of the closets

Clean and Repair Walls

Proper move-out cleaning Calgary and preparing walls involves:

  • Lightly wipe down all walls and baseboards to remove smudges, cobwebs, and dust build up over time, leaving them spotless.
  • Eliminate any nails, screws, hooks, anchors, hangers and wall sticky tack used to mount decor and furniture. Fill holes and touch up paint if necessary.
  • Address any notable scuffs or marks on walls that require spot repair. Lightly sand, prime, and spot paint any damaged areas to restore original condition.
  • Pay special attention to wall areas around light switches, doors, and baseboards which accumulate grime from frequent contact.

Proper wall cleaning provides a blank slate for new residents. Repair any unavoidable wear before moving out.

Clean Windows and Doors

Windows and doors accumulate dirt over time:

  • Wash interiors of all windows and sliding glass doors, wiping away film and dirt. Follow with exterior window cleaning if accessible. Use vinegar or ammonia-free glass cleaner.
  • Remove debris and cobwebs from all windowsills and tracks. Ensure tracks slide smoothly.
  • Spot clean doors, doorknobs, and door frames which build up fingerprints and dirt with frequent use. Disinfect handles.
  • Use a wet/dry vacuum to gently clean sliding door tracks and remove collected debris. This prevents roller snags.

Move out cleaning tips

Cleaning tips for moving are as follows:

Clean from top to bottom

Just like regular cleaning, we recommend that you clean upper surfaces such as ceiling fans or shelves before cleaning lower surfaces such as the floor. By doing this, dust does not accidentally fall on the newly cleaned areas.

Follow the steps

According to the space you have, Cleaning the entire space can be a very difficult and tiring task. It is better to divide the cleaning process into different parts that are done at different times due to move out cleaning checklist. You can start from the areas that will be less used between now and the day you leave the house, such as the guest bedroom.

Consider a special time for cleaning at the last minute

Even if you have cleaned the house before the moving day, it is still possible that some areas need to be cleaned at the last minute, such as the toilet and bathroom. Keep in mind that when you move furniture and things out, there is likely to be dust that needs to be vacuumed again.

Consider a special time for cleaning at the last minute

Must-Have Cleaning Products and Tools

When preparing for a move-out cleaning, having the right cleaning products and tools that are related to cleaning list for moving out on hand is essential to ensure an efficient and thorough job. Here’s a list of must-have items duo to the cleaning list for moving out:

  1. All-Purpose Cleaner: Ideal for cleaning surfaces such as countertops, cabinets, and appliances. Look for a versatile cleaner that can tackle various materials.
  2. Glass Cleaner: For streak-free cleaning of windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces. Choose a cleaner that leaves a crystal-clear finish.
  3. Disinfectant Wipes or Spray: Especially important for high-touch surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Disinfectant wipes are convenient for quick cleanups.
  4. Baking Soda: A versatile and natural cleaning agent. Use it to scrub surfaces, neutralize odors, and clean grout.
  5. White Vinegar: Effective for removing stains, mineral deposits, and odors. Mix with water for an all-purpose cleaning solution.
  6. Microfiber Cloths: These are highly effective for dusting and wiping surfaces without leaving lint behind. They can be used dry or slightly damp.
  7. Sponges and Scrub Brushes: Sponges are great for general cleaning, while scrub brushes are handy for tackling tougher stains and grime in areas like the kitchen and bathroom.
  8. Mop and Bucket: Essential for cleaning hard floors. Choose a mop that suits your flooring type, and ensure you have a bucket for the cleaning solution.
  9. Vacuum Cleaner: A vacuum with various attachments can help you clean carpets, upholstery, and hard-to-reach places. Don’t forget to empty the dustbin or replace the bag as needed.
  10. Dusting Tools: Feather dusters, dust cloths, or electrostatic dusting tools are essential for cleaning surfaces, furniture, and light fixtures.
  11. Trash Bags: Large, sturdy trash bags for decluttering and disposing of items you no longer need. Have separate bags for regular waste and recyclables.
  12. Rubber Gloves: Protect your hands from harsh cleaning chemicals. Choose durable, waterproof gloves for prolonged use.
  13. Bucket and Cleaning Rags: Use a bucket to carry your cleaning supplies, and keep a stack of cleaning rags for various tasks.
  14. Oven Cleaner: If your oven needs a deep clean, a specialized oven cleaner can be highly effective in removing baked-on grease and grime.
  15. Carpet Cleaner or Spot Treatment: Address any carpet stains or spills with a carpet cleaner or spot treatment suitable for your flooring type.

By assembling a cleaning kit with these must-have products and tools, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the various cleaning tasks associated with moving out. Having a comprehensive set of supplies ensures that you can efficiently clean and prepare your space for the next occupant or the final walkthrough with your landlord.

Must-Have Cleaning Products and Tools

Frequently asked questions about apartment move out cleaning checklist:

1-How clean should the house or apartment be before moving?

Usually, the apartment or house should be as clean as when you moved into it. Most tenants or owners do not have pictures of the house when they move in, so you should try to clean it in an effective and efficient manner. If you are not sure about the results of your work, it is better to hire a professional cleaning service for this work. They have great move out cleaning checklist to achieve the best result.

2-Does house cleaning help in receiving the deposit?

Yes, of course, when you hand over the house clean, you will be sure to get your deposit back.

3-Is the house cleaning process effective in obtaining the asking price?

In general, the process of buying a house is a bit complicated, as a result, most of the time, new home owners have seen the house and how clean it is before submitting their offer. If you are dealing with a real estate agent, they may ask you to have the house professionally cleaned before any client visits in order to get the highest possible price.


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