
Follow our Apartment Cleaning Checklist | Step by step

Apartment Cleaning Checklist

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The cleaning process is unpleasant for everyone while keeping the apartment tidy is obligatory and necessary. Of course, it cannot be ignored that this process is sometimes exhausting, but having an Apartment Cleaning Checklist can solve this problem for you. No matter how hard you try to take care of your belongings at home, dust and dirt still find a way to accumulate on your things. If you are trying to lead a professional life, you should pay attention to cleaning your apartment. Cleaning should not be a chore for you. If you have a suitable Apartment Cleaning Checklist, the cleaning process becomes a quick and daily task, and you can do it easily.

Of course, hiring professionals to clean the apartment can relieve stress and give you more time to achieve your plans. Our cleaning team at Home Cleaning Calgary has undergone the necessary training, and we are confident that they can carry out the cleaning program of your apartment according to a proper checklist to provide you with the necessary comfort.

Why having a cleaning checklist is important?

Nowadays, the features created in modern life can make it very difficult to keep the house clean, but having a cleaning program can help a lot in this direction. In the following, we will express some of the reasons for the importance of the Apartment Cleaning Checklist:

Why having a cleaning checklist is important?

Organization of work

Having a cleaning checklist ensures that all the important cleaning tasks are taken care of and allows you to avoid getting confused along the way. By breaking down cleaning tasks into manageable chunks, you can avoid burnout and ensure the process goes smoothly.

Saving time

With the help of the Apartment Cleaning Checklist, you can clean your apartment more efficiently and effectively, so you will spend less time cleaning. Following a specific routine can avoid wasting time on unnecessary tasks.

Reducing stress

Having a messy or dirty house can cause stress and anxiety. Having a checklist and regular cleaning of the apartment can make the living space calm and orderly; as a result, your peace and well-being will increase.

Promote good habits

Regular cleaning of the apartment and following a suitable and correct checklist can create good cleaning habits for you, which can help you in the long run. By doing this, you will have a clean and orderly house and not drown in the mess of the house.

Cleaning Supplies Required

Before you start cleaning, ensure you have the necessary tools. If you don’t have any of the items below, you can purchase them quickly at a nearby store.

  • Sponges
  • Mop
  • Washing brushes
  • Garbage bags
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Microfiber cloth
  • dusting cloth
  • Broom
  • baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • dish soap
  • Multipurpose cleaner
  • Toilet cleaner
  • A pair of rubber gloves

Cleaning Supplies Required

Apartment cleaning checklist: Kitchen

The kitchen should be a priority during the apartment cleaning process because no one likes to walk into a kitchen with a pile of dirty dishes in the sink or a dirty stove with food waste around it. You can have the best cooking efficiency in a clean kitchen.


  • To clean the sink, you can start by cleaning the faucet and handles and around the sink
  • Cover the sink with baking soda, then use a sponge to clean the sink with warm soapy water


  • To clean this part, first use an old sponge or a special cleaning pad to remove any dirt, then wash the gas stove with water and wipe it
  • Do not forget to clean the burners
  • To clean the oven, first use an oven cleaner to remove any kind of dirt inside the oven. After spraying the cleaner inside the oven, clean the grease and dirt inside the oven with a scraper


  • Mix warm water and dish soap and then clean the counters with this solution and a microfiber cloth or paper towel
  • Wash appliances such as coffee makers and blenders

The floor

  • Before you start washing, sweep the kitchen floor
  • Now wash the floor with warm water and soap


  • Empty all the contents of your refrigerator
  • Throw away expired food
  • Clean the doors and all the shelves

Tips on cleaning and organizing the apartment pantry duo to apartment cleaning checklist

  • Use an antiseptic bucket or basket to contain useful items that are usually on your pantry table, including cooking oil, salt and pepper, or cleaning products such as dish soap and all-purpose sprays. This creates a feeling of being more organized and makes the kitchen counter clear quickly.
  • Use a degreaser for kitchen cabinets that are covered with grease. Put on your gloves, spray the cabinets and wipe down to get satisfactory results.
  • Apartment kitchens are usually smaller, meaning you only want to keep what you actually use. To reduce clutter, it is better to ask yourself what you really need. Buying too many items can cause overcrowding.
  • Cleaning the apartment is only half the job. Keeping it clean is half the battle. Using an apartment cleaning checklist will help you do both so that your home is always spotless.

Apartment cleaning checklist: kitchen

Apartment cleaning checklist: Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the parts that is used a lot, and if you do not take care of it regularly, the cleaning process can be a big problem. To prevent this from happening, you don’t need to wait until a long time has passed since you cleaned, but continuous cleaning of the bathroom for a long time can save time and prevent long cleaning sessions.

Shower or bathtub

  • Wash the tiles of the bathtub, shower and all parts to remove the soap foam. You can use a commercial cleaner to remove soap scum, but you can also make your solution with distilled white vinegar and baking soda
  • Now remove the empty bottles of shampoo, softener and other items and replace them

Sink, mirror and table

  • Wash and clean the sink and faucet
  • Use a glass cleaner to clean the lenses
  • You can use a multipurpose cleaner to clean bathroom surfaces and tables.

Toilet and toilet bowl

  • You should use a toilet brush to clean the toilet bowl
  • Clean the lid, tank and handle of the toilet


  • You can use bleach or other heavy-duty cleaners to remove floor stains
  • Sweep and clean the floor
  • Empty trash cans regularly

Apartment cleaning checklist: Bathroom

Apartment cleaning checklist: bedrooms

Having clean and tidy bedrooms can help you have a good and peaceful sleep. Here is a simple and convenient checklist for keeping your bedrooms clean:

The beds

  • Remove and wash the sheets
  • Dust the bed frame, nightstand, and other surfaces that attract dust

Closet and laundry

  • Remove dirty clothes from places where they may have accumulated, such as chairs or on the floor, and place them in a special laundry basket.
  • Hang clean clothes neatly in the closet

The floor

  • Vacuum the floors, including under the bed and closet

Apartment cleaning checklist: bedrooms

Tips on cleaning and organizing an apartment bedroom duo to apartment cleaning checklist

  • Make your bed every morning. This process does not have to be perfect, just do it. Because the bed is the focal point of the room, this small step will go a long way in helping you feel like your space is under control.
  • Keep a small box or bag designated for donated items in your closet so you’re always ready to put the items you want. When the desired box or bag is full, leave it in your car to drop it off at your local donation center.
  • If you organize your things so that you can see what you have at first glance, you will get a lot of peace at home. You can use drawer organizers, drawer dividers, labeled hub bins, and folding techniques to help create the structure you need to see everything in a drawer or shelf.

Apartment cleaning checklist: living room

The living room is where you spend most of your time relaxing. Such a place is used to host guests, so it is one of the most important rooms in the house that you should keep clean and tidy.


Clean windows invite natural light and freshness into your apartment. Our clean apartment checklist guides you through the process of streak-free window washing and thorough dusting. These often-neglected tasks contribute to a brighter and healthier living space.

  • Use microfiber cloths and glass cleaner to clean the windows
  • Clean the dust around the windows of the room and if you have curtains, don’t forget to clean them
  • Clean your windows with microfiber cloths so that no trace of water remains on them

Read more: Window Cleaning Calgary

Furniture and flooring

  • Dust and wipe coffee tables, TV stands, and any other surface that has accumulated dust
  • Vacuum the floor and under the furniture
  • Wash all the pillows or any blankets in this room and then fold them

Apartment cleaning checklist: living room

Optional: laundry room

If you have a laundry room in your home, you should make sure that lint or spilled detergent is cleaned up. Clean the laundry with a damp microfiber cloth dipped in warm water.

Optional: laundry room

Optional: balcony and open space

If your apartment has a patio with a private balcony or access to the outdoors, make sure you have removed all personal items from that area before you start cleaning:

Clean Sliding Door

Leaves and dirt have probably found their way into the sliding door tracks. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean them. It is absolutely necessary to remove any dirt and debris in this area.

Clean Balcony

Cleaning the apartment balcony duo to cleaning apartment checklist is a simple but necessary task. First, clean the space with a broom, then, if needed, you can clean your balcony with a multi-purpose cleaner to clean the surface of the remaining stains. Also, keep in mind that if there is a fence, clean it as well.

Weekly tasks duo to cleaning apartment checklist that you should not forget:

  1. Dust all rooms and surfaces
  2. Vacuum all the steps and stairs
  3. Clean the refrigerator and wipe it
  4. Clean the bathrooms thoroughly
  5. Wash and change all sheets
  6. Take out the trash in each room

Weekly tasks duo to cleaning apartment checklist that you should not forget:

Monthly tasks duo to cleaning apartment checklist to consider:

  1. Clean wooden parts, walls and tiles in the kitchen, bathroom and other high traffic areas
  2. Clean the windows of the house
  3. Clean the dust from the windows
  4. Clean household appliances including toasters and other items
  5. Do deep dusting, for example, consider the back of furniture, ceiling corners, ceiling fans, and air vents.
  6. Clean the carpets

Tips for cleaning a new apartment

Cleaning an empty space is definitely easier than a furnished space, and you can easily access the whole space without furniture. As a result, cleaning in these conditions is very easy duo to cleaning apartment checklist. If you plan to clean this space yourself, in this section, a pack list of new house cleaning is provided for you.

  • Cleaning the refrigerator is very important. You should treat the new space as a food pantry. Also, throw away old and expired foods.
  • Clean the inside of kitchen cabinets and drawers as well as appliances and counter spaces because these spaces are where food is stored. Make sure all dust and other harmful elements are removed.
  • Disinfect the tub, basins and toilet bowl.
  • Don’t forget to clean fans, lights, windows, window panes, door handles and other items.
  • For stubborn stains and traces, use multi-purpose cleaner and remove the traces with warm water and dishwashing soap.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Alternatives

For those inclined towards eco-friendly cleaning solutions, our clean apartment checklist offers alternatives to conventional cleaning products. Explore natural options like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils to achieve a sparkling clean apartment without compromising on environmental sustainability.

  • Use white vinegar for glass and surface cleaning.
  • Baking soda for scrubbing and deodorizing.
  • Essential oils (e.g., tea tree, lavender) for a natural fragrance.
  • Reusable and washable cleaning cloths.
  • DIY cleaning solutions with minimal environmental impact.

Personalized Clean Apartment Checklist

Tailor the clean apartment checklistto fit your lifestyle with a personalized cleaning schedule. Whether you prefer a daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning routine, our checklist is adaptable to your unique needs. This customization ensures that your apartment stays clean and organized in a way that aligns with your schedule and preferences.

  • Choose cleaning days based on your availability.
  • Prioritize tasks based on your living habits.
  • Adjust frequency according to apartment size and usage.
  • Create a shared cleaning schedule for roommates or family members.
  • Reward yourself after completing cleaning milestones.

Incorporating Seasonal Considerations & Checklists

Some apartment cleaning duties align closer following natural seasons and holiday preparation specifically when updating decorations accordingly or noting deferred annual maintenance requiring reviews addressing soon.

Spring & Fall AC Vent Swaps

Mark seasonal schedules swapping air conditioning filters preventing accumulated seasonal allergens passing systems once weather shifts warmer or cooler accordingly. Most filters need replacement every 90 days depending runtimes.

Utilize Holiday Decor Checklists

When transitioning apartment decor between holidays, create master lists noting bins containing specific wreaths, specialty dishware or themed linen pieces different celebrations require pulling stored items again appreciating handy reminders what got packed away previously year over year.

Hire a professional cleaning team

Nowadays, considering that most houses are modern, people should take more care of the house. Definitely, everyone has plans for the goals that they try to achieve. So it must be admitted that every person cannot do some things related to the house personally. As a result, hiring a professional cleaning team can help you focus on your more important tasks. This does not mean that you are lazy because everyone needs help doing some things. This means that you care about your time and health.

So, in addition to keeping your mind ready for personal and more important tasks, you can get help from Swift Maids housekeeping service to have a tidy house. We will implement the cleaning programs best for you, and you don’t need to pay more attention to these tasks.


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