
Home Cleaning Calgary

Our mission is to provide professional residential cleaning Calgary, our services are very affordable and include a wide variety. You can check our services and book an appointment according to your needs.

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Why choose us

Why Clients Love Our Cleaning Services

We pride ourselves on building lasting relationships with our customers. Our commitment to quality, reliability, and excellent service keeps them coming back.

Locally Owned & Operated

Locally Owned & Operated

Using a local service will give you a more satisfactory result.

Cleaning Techniques

Our new and advanced techniques lead to more professional services.

Professional Expertise

All our technicians are trained and experienced in providing services.

High-Quality Equipment

By using professional and modern equipment, you can have a very good experience.

Eco-Friendly Approach

The cleaning process can be done without harming the environment.

Convenience and Flexibility

Our team has people with professional ethics who seek customer satisfaction.

Our services

Our Residential cleaning Calgary services

We pride ourselves on building lasting relationships with our customers. Our commitment to quality, reliability, and excellent service keeps them coming back.

Apartment Cleaning

Apartment Cleaning

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Deep Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

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Move Out Cleaning

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House Cleaning

House Cleaning

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Here is What Our Customers Say

Discover the benefits of a professionally cleaned space. More free time, reduced stress, and a home or workplace that promotes well-being await you.

Ready for a cleaner, brighter today?

Our residential cleaning Calgary sets the stage for a fresh start. A cleaner, healthier home is just a click away from Maid service Calgary.

Your Questions Answered

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions to provide you with quick and informative answers.

Our team loves pets like you, we are good with pets and know how to communicate with them. Also, the products we use are non-toxic and environmentally friendly to provide the necessary safety for your pets. If you have a pet, be sure that by choosing Swiftmaids, all your worries will disappear.

Our effort is to keep an almost fixed rate in mind, but there are things that determine this price, such as the number of bedrooms, the amount of dirt, and other things that can include more costs.

House cleaning services are usually done on a customized basis, weekly, every two weeks or every three weeks or monthly. In fact, each house uses cleaning services according to its needs.

As long as there is a way for us to enter, no, there is no need, but if your presence makes us feel better, we would like you to be with us and watch our cleaning process. Our team members are reliable and friendly and perform the cleaning process according to a regular schedule.

Still have a question?

You can submit your question or request through our contact form. Please provide as
much detail as possible so that we can assist you effectively.

Related services

Beyond the Basic Clean: Our Specialized Services

We offer a full suite of cleaning solutions to address your every need, from deep cleaning to post-construction cleanup.

Home Cleaning

Rug Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning

Fireplace Cleaning

We’d Love to Hear from You

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See the incredible difference our professional cleaning services can make in homes and workplaces

Take the first step, we will take care for the rest

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