
Discovering the Best Way to Get Stains Out of Mattress

Best Way to Get Stains Out of Mattress

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People dedicate a significant amount of time to sleep or rest in their beds, inevitably leading to wear and tear on sleeping surfaces. These surfaces often absorb leaks and bodily fluids, resulting in a variety of stains and odors. Pillows, sheets, and mattress covers are especially prone to damage, making it essential to clean them effectively with the Best Way to Get Stains Out of Mattress. While the process of eliminating stains from a mattress can be intricate, understanding the most effective methods is crucial.

It is important to recognize that appropriately cleaning mattresses not only prolongs their lifespan but also enhances comfort and fosters a healthier sleeping environment. Stain removal plays a pivotal role in this overall cleaning process. This article aims to guide you on the best approach for getting stains out of a mattress, emphasizing the use of suitable materials to restore your mattress to its original condition.

How often should you clean the mattress?

Having a regular mattress cleaning schedule duo to the Best way to get stains out of mattress can help keep your mattress free of bacteria, allergens, and more. Of course, don’t worry, you don’t need to clean the mattress as much as you wash the sheets.

So it is better to keep your mattress healthy and hygienic by following the steps:

  • Immediately clean any type of stain that occurs.
  • Vacuum the mattress monthly.
  • Clean your mattress twice a year.

Before attempting to clean your mattress, you should check the manufacturer’s cleaning recommendations and make sure you follow the conditions listed. Also, keep in mind that most mattress warranties won’t cover damage, including discoloration, stains, or damage from spills or cleaning products.

How often should you clean the mattress?

Best way to get stains out of mattress

It doesn’t matter what type of mattress you have, you should always read the care label on it to be aware of the manufacturer’s recommendations or precautions.

Never wet your mattress with water or liquid cleaners. Mattresses are not designed to get wet, especially memory foam mattresses. These mats do not dry quickly, so they stay wet for a long time and lead to mold.

Rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, laundry detergent, citrus-based household cleaners, and dishwashing soaps are some of the best stain removers for mattresses.

Best way to get stains out of mattress

Steps to remove stains from the mattress

Swift Maids experts recommend a few main steps for cleaning minor stains on the mattress, which are as follows:

  • Absorb: For wet stains, wipe them with a dry towel until no liquid is absorbed by the towel, do not rub but use pressure to remove the moisture. For dry stains, first scrape and vacuum. Moisten the desired area with a damp cloth, then go to the second step.
  • Add soap: Spray or rub the desired cleaner slowly on the spot. Some stains, including blood, should be left with the cleaning solution for 1 to 10 minutes.
  • Blot: Press the stain area and dry with a cloth or paper towel to absorb the liquid. Continue this process until no more liquid comes out. If necessary, repeat the second and third steps.
  • Air dry: It is ideal to place the mattress outside and under the sun, but if you cannot provide these conditions, try to allow air and sunlight to circulate in the room as much as you can. Open the windows draw the curtains and run a fan. Depending on the size of the mattress stain, it may take several hours to dry completely.

Tip: When the mattress is completely dry, you can sprinkle some baking soda on the desired area to make it smell good so that it absorbs the lingering odors.

The most common mattress stains and how to remove them

Different stains on the mattress are removed in different ways. If you follow the important tips for cleaning mattress stains, you can easily remove the most common stains and increase the life of your mattress duo to the upholstery cleaning Calgary guide.

The most common mattress stains and how to remove them


There are various solutions to remove blood stains from the mattress, but the most effective way to do this is to use white vinegar or 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is better to remove stains on time.

Pour a small amount of white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide directly on the mattress stain. If you use vinegar, let the stain stay wet for 10 minutes, dry, and repeat if necessary.

If you use a cup of hydrogen peroxide, be aware that your stains will foam in contact with this substance. Wipe the floor, then let the area sit for 5 minutes. Now remove the material with a towel dipped in cold water and dry the part you have cleaned with the help of the guide mentioned above.

Pet urine

Urine stains, especially pet urine, are among the most common stains on mattresses. To remove these stains, it is better not to use bleach or hot water because they may have different effects on the mattress. When removing urine stains from the mattress, follow the procedure below.

To remove this stain, it is better to use an enzyme-based upholstery cleaner for pet stains.

After doing the first step according to the guide above, wet the stain, then place a paper towel or wet cloth on it and press on it for a few minutes. Repeat this with a dry towel until the area is slightly damp.

Now, with the help of a clean towel dipped in cool water, rub that part and let it stay for 1 minute. Apply the enzyme cleaner and let it sit on the stain as directed. Wipe the liquid area by applying pressure on it, then dry the desired part in the air.

If the smell or dirt is visible after drying, you can use an odor neutralizer or stain remover for the carpet.


Vomit stains become common for you when you have a baby, but cleaning up vomit can be one of the most time-consuming processes, so it is better to follow the steps below to make cleaning this stain easier for you.

You should use a sweet barley and enzyme-based cleaner to clean the Vomit.

In the first step, clean the surface and wipe it with a cloth or paper towel to remove as much moisture as possible.

Now pour a lot of baking soda to absorb odors and excess moisture, then leave it for 15 minutes and then vacuum the area.

Use an enzyme-based stain remover or a generous amount of vinegar or dish soap.

Reabsorb the liquid and then air dries the cleaned area. If the smell remains, repeat the whole process.


Many of us enjoy having coffee in bed. After all, there is nothing worse than spilling a cup of coffee on the mattress. But a combination of dishwashing liquid and vinegar is the best way to remove these stubborn stains.

To clean the coffee stains, you can use the combination that upholstery cleaning Calgary mentioned above and pour it into a spray bottle. If the stains are fresh, absorb the remaining liquid, but if the stains are dry, moisten them with a little warm water.

Carefully start at the edges with a dry, light cloth and work your way inwards to prevent the paint from spreading. Continue this process until there is no more brown color on your fabric.

Dip a clean cloth in a container of vinegar solution and apply it on the stain from the outer edges moving inwards and drying the stain. If there is sugar or cream in the coffee, also apply a mixture of laundry detergent and warm water on the stain and then wash with a fresh damp cloth and dry the affected area.


How to prevent the mattress from getting stained?

The best way to prevent your mattress from getting stained is to use a mattress protector. The mattress protector creates a protective layer between your sheets and mattress and acts as a buffer for body oils, liquids, and stains.


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